Waste and wellbeing

Doran Packaging shows support for the 2016 waste and wellbeing campaign
This September the team at Doran Packaging will be showing its support for the numerous waste and wellbeing campaigns to tackle the war on waste and educate the general public on waste disposal and the unusual materials that can be easily recycled.
WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) will be teaming up with Zero Waste Week, Recycle Week and Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Waste Less, Live More’ Week as part of a national campaign to encourage people to recycle more, waste less and take up the challenge of sustainable living.
It is estimated that UK households are throwing away 7 million tonnes of food and drink annually. However approximately 4.2 million of total household waste is said to be avoidable and can be easily recycled. On top of this, the grocery sector accounts for about 70% of the packaging market with approximately 10 million tonnes of packing being used in the UK alone. The waste and wellbeing campaign aims to educate and encourage individuals to recycle more, waste less and embrace energy efficiency.
Here at Doran Packaging we know that without sustainable packaging, such as our paper carrier bags, waste material continues to be disposed as landfill. That’s why we strongly support the numerous waste and wellbeing campaigns this September to ultimately tackle the war on waste.
Throughout September numerous campaigns, including Zero Waste Week, will be encouraging consumers to reduce landfill and effectively dispose of household waste that minimises environmental impact. Running from the 5-9th of September, Zero Waste Week will focus on the idea of “Use it up!” which aims to reduce the estimated 4.2 million avoidable food waste.
From the 12-18th of September Recycle Week will demonstrate the benefits of recycling and the unusual products and packaging which can be recycled. The 19-25th of September will see the ‘Waste Less, Live More’ campaign which focus on our own wellbeing and the environmental impact surrounding waste.
At Doran Packaging, we believe that there are numerous benefits for the production and implementation of recyclable packaging throughout consumers’ everyday lives. We are proud to say that our paper carriers are 100% recyclable and are made from recycled material. Recyclable and eco-friendly packaging can be considered to be incredibly versatile, finding uses in multiple industries.
Doran packaging is a South West packaging company that specialises in paper carrier bags and twist handle paper carriers that meet the needs of multiple business sectors including food wholesalers, fashion boutiques and retail outlets. For more information please visit us at https://www.doranpackaging.co.uk/
Article by technology marketing agency Content Coms and Work in Mind (Workplace Wellbeing magazine)